QGIS is one hell of a geographic information system (GIS), it is in fact one of the most if not the most widely used open-source one in the planet and for very good reason. GISPO which a company from Finland that uses QGIS even tried to do an estimate on how big the community is and from there you can estimate how many users, you can read the whole thing at their blog.
It is packed with a lot of the tools you are used from the proprietary stuff and even more, documentation that is kept updated as much as human possible and backed up by a great community of people. These days finding people in social media has gotten very difficult due to several reasons that I won’t mention here as it is not the purpose or the intent of this post and that may make you think that there is not such a large community but in fact there is one, all over the world and thriving, just now in different places. In the old days you just hanged around X(formerly Twitter) and everyone was there exchanging ideas but recently it has gone quieter

QGIS Aviation Certified Courses
Anyway, I have decided to finally take the plunge and get certified by the QGIS project to provide training and giving back to the community with each certificate I am able to provide. I am deeply vested in the aviation niche and due to this my QGIS offering will be centered exclusively around how to effectively leverage QGIS and other technologies in the aviation market where I work, and my business is centered on. QGIS Desktop application is a powerhouse that can be used for Aeronautical Charting, Obstacle Management and Analysis, PANS OPS, etc.
I haven’t even created workflows that would use the different surveying apps available like Qfield and Input and serving data via an OGC compliant server God knows I want to move in that direction, but everything one step at a time, spreading the good word of how QGIS can not only save you money but in fact is superior on many fronts. Why pursue a certificate from the QGIS project, they wrote it pretty well in the website “The QGIS Certificate Program is designed to promote both community involvement in the QGIS project and quality education for QGIS software”

I honestly believe this is the way and I think the people that will be reaching out for the training we will be offering will appreciate the fact that they do not need to learn the dozens or possibly hundreds of tools they do not require for the aviation work they are perfoming on a daily basis and more than that, all the exercises and workflows will be tailored based on the experience over more than a decade in the industry (I know I am pretty old now)
Just started the process a few weeks ago, I probably didn’t submit enough information to get too far with it quickly but it is a start and I am pretty confident that I will get things sorted out before the end of the year where I have lined up already an online training event based on QGIS applied to Instrument Flight Procedure Design (IFPD) and if all goes well another one on site here in my home country. The first one in English the other in Spanish! Even though I tend to write and comment only in English my mother tongue is in Spanish so training can be done in both languages, I could do them probably at the same time as I used to do live translations, but participants may get dizzy from the constant back and forth.

Competency Based Training for Aeronautical Charting, AIM, PANS OPS and more
Training for me is something that I really enjoy, I just remember how much I wanted to get answers to stuff and was difficult to get them so I base my training on practical elements that are more hands-on experiences rather than theoretical lectures, every day I am learning how to improve and I keep an issue tracker with all the “bugs” and “feature requests” for the next course, the QGIS PANS OPS training will be no exception.
Teaching is a big responsibility and as such I make my best effort on continuing adapting, learning and of course improving the skills required to be able to provide training that not only ticks off the check boxes from a regulatory or budget point of view but that the required competencies are obtained in order to perform the day to day activities at your job
Sign up for the blog if you want to keep learning more about where things will be moving!
Abdiaziz · September 27, 2023 at 3:36 pm
to know more about this programe
admin · September 27, 2023 at 5:35 pm
Hi! We are glad we peaked your interest, for more information please fill the contact form at our website https://flyght7.com/contact-us/