Becoming a Certified QGIS Trainer for Aviation related Topics
Interestingly a lot of people ask about QGIS training for aviation and finally decided to take the plunge and become certified
Interestingly a lot of people ask about QGIS training for aviation and finally decided to take the plunge and become certified
Obstacle Limitation Surfaces Videos now available online! If you missed the live event this is your opportunity
When I presented the AIMIND project which included the ICAO Abbreviations in a machine readable format there was a comment about also doing something for obstacles. PANS AIM Doc 10066 has put a lot of requirements and pieces in place to go digital but we are somehow still waiting to Read more…
Quick post on ENR Obstacles, I am preparing a course where we need to design several parts of an instrument flight procedure and I usually start with the minimum sector altitudes (MSA) To calculate these we need to do a 25NM radius around a significant point, ARP or HRP, in Read more…
One of the key things when doing procedure design is to remember that obstacles are not points, we get a lot of them just as surveyed positions but they actually have an area. Following image illustrates obstacles that by their position are out but reality is those blades are inside Read more…
If you will publish digital obstacles it is better if they can be directly ingested by any GIS software