Aviation QGIS style for Prohibited, Restricted and Danger Area
If you are using QGIS for aviation you may not have aeronautical symbology or styles, this is my first share of a Restricted Area style for using in your charts.
If you are using QGIS for aviation you may not have aeronautical symbology or styles, this is my first share of a Restricted Area style for using in your charts.
Learn to georeference your aeronautical chart and load it in foreflight with QGIS an opensource software
Importance of obstacle data provision, format and update
Consulting life and a quick summary on my first year
Just a short video showing how visualisation in 3D can enhance the procedure design phase especially for showing where the penetrations are happening of the protection areas. In this case the Basic ILS surfaces were provided by http://www.fpassistant.com/ and added into QGIS in 3D to just export using QGIS2threejs to Read more…
Over the last few weeks I have been preparing material for an upcoming aeronautical charting course to be delivered this 2020. It is a lot of reading of different ICAO SARPs between annexes and documents due to the nature of the data we are using, as such I started thinking Read more…
Brief almost tutorial of how to generate isogonals, you can trim a bit of the procedure but I left it just for completeness which may be useful in other situations
Quick post on ENR Obstacles, I am preparing a course where we need to design several parts of an instrument flight procedure and I usually start with the minimum sector altitudes (MSA) To calculate these we need to do a 25NM radius around a significant point, ARP or HRP, in Read more…