Over the years I have gained experience in Civil Aviation matters and work with different partners
For Aeronautical Information Management I fully collaborate with Managed-AIS, if you are interested to know more on what we can help out for Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM), Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP), Aeronautical Charting, Training and related consultancy please visit www.m-ais.com

I also have experience in Instrument Flight Procedure Design (IFPD) – PANS OPS and have set up a consultancy business around it that is called FLYGHT7 where we can help with Conventional & RNAV/RNP design, five year (5) review, procedure audits, training, on the job training and ad-hoc consultancy as well as Annex 14 Obstacle Limitation Surfaces and Flight Validation of procedures with out network of partners.
To know more visit FLYGHT7 website

Also you can contact me using the form on this website